

SPRING is almost officially here and i'm feeling SUPER INSPIRED artistically,i'm not much of a winter person TBH, mainly because in cali winter = slightly gloomy days and a drizzle here or there with cold nights that make 0 sense because snow isn't a thing so what's the point of it being fucking cold? like why is it cold if we don't get the benefit of a winter fucking wonderland? i hate it. and i don't like rain v much either. i also spent like the last 3 winters being seasonally depressed and drinking myself into what i like to call the SAD COMA so, no. winter, befuckinggone, and welcome spring! and summer! and art! so SO much art x_x

usually i'm just an avid doodler but this season i am going to try new things, like painting, and making things with mana beads and working with clay and photography. when i'm in a bad mood i don't want to doodle as much and i get discouraged about my art easier so hopefully i will move on past that.

here is my first ever painting:

which was more of an experiment rly and less of an actual painting, but now that i know that it's a thing that i can do i am TOTES STOKED and gonna make art all the time. so. expect new things from me. n_n

other things i am hoping to do:
- skateboard more
- wheat pasting
- making stickers
- finish my zine
- make t-shirts
- learn how to sew
- get more film developed
- weaving/knot tying bracelets
- cook better/more often
- have more outside adventures
- sell my art (WOW)
- roller derby
- learn more about makeup application
- d.i.y. shit
- meet more artsy people
- make musiq

what do you wanna do differently this spring?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Good luck! Have a nice spring! I'm enjoying the beginning of winter (my favorite season) and trying to make cool things too. <3 Your art is awesome. :3
